6 Reasons Every Chef Should Switch to Cast Iron


When non-stick pans are readily available and have been for years, one might wonder why anyone would use cast iron at all. Of course, Teflon, ceramic, and other means of eliminating the need for expensive oils come with their own problems. Namely, if they are scratched, they can become toxic. So, while using and caring for cast iron pots and pans is more work, the advantages are many.

The 6 Key Benefits of Cast Iron

There are many important reasons to keep, care for and use cast iron. Just Google “the advantages of cast iron” and you’ll find a long list of articles that cover the many virtues of this material for cooking. Here, we just want to cover these six core reasons that we believe cast iron is not only indispensable to your kitchen tool set but will also outperform anything else you could use.

Take it Anywhere

While it’s an excellent complement to the collection of any accomplished chef and a handsome decoration when displayed nicely. Cast iron is just as at home at the campsite as it is in your commercial or residential kitchen. It can be used handily over an open flame, on the stovetop, in the oven, or any place and means you use to cook food.

Cook Anything

Whether you’re baking, steaming, frying, or grilling in a cast iron skillet- this material can cook any dish, entrée, or dessert. It’s excellent whether you’re only cooking for yourself or a large crowd. Of course, it does take longer to heat up than other materials, but the quality, durability, and versatility make it well worth your while.

It’s Tougher than Tough

There’s a reason why a wallop with an old-fashioned frying pan is a reoccurring trope in classic comedy and cartoons- because it’s tough. This material will take anything you can throw at it and keep on performing like a champ. Of course, it is vulnerable to rust if you don’t take good care of it. But with practice, you’ll find preserving your cast iron collection is not terribly difficult.

Enjoy its Natural Non-Stick Finish

With the right care and the right seasoning, cast iron will develop a high-quality non-stick surface that will do the job beautifully. There is something of a learning curve to seasoning cast iron. You have to learn how to season an iron pan properly and to protect the seasoning surface. But once you get the hang of it, cooking with cast iron is simple as can be.

Cast Iron Can be Easy to Use

There are a number of do’s and don’ts when it comes to using cast iron properly. But once you learn how to use it, you’ll find it is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand.

It Just Makes Your Cooking Taste Better

With its unbeatable heat retention, it’s no wonder why experienced chefs all love this material. But besides its ability to retain heat like nothing else, there seems to be a mysterious quality to cast iron that simply comes through in your cooking.

Of course, we could go on for days about the benefits of cast iron in the kitchen. Many people have been singing its praises for hundreds of years. But it’s never been more apparent than it is today why cast iron is unbeatable!

Visit the Alto-Hartley showroom today to find the cast iron solutions to bring into your commercial or residential kitchen.